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Re: Free Technology (was: Re: gEDA-user: Electric clothing and gEDA at NYLUG!)

On Thursday 01 July 2004 03:36 am, Karel Kulhavý wrote:
> > 2) Write the first book on "Open Source Physical Computing Tools".
> I don't like the term "Open Source" because it means only the sources
> are open and nothing more. What is most interesting for me is when the
> design is free (libre).

The problem is, the word 'free' automatically makes people think 
"zero-cost".  It's a word that is dangerously overloaded.  The whole 
phrase, "Open Source", came about almost entirely because of this 

> 3) GPL, but instead of forbidding inclusion into non-FT, the inclusion
>    is only discouraged in Ronja, because you can't forbid someone
> drawing the same circuit again and using it in his Proprietary (TM)
> Product.

This is precisely why my Kestrel project (see 
http://www.falvotech.com/kestrel.html -- and yes, Ronja did provide much 
of the inspiration for this project) is going to be LGPLed, and not 

Samuel A. Falvo II