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gEDA-user: sinusoidal blues

argh, I'm still being entirely unsuccessful in my attempts to create a model circuit in gschem and get some plots in ngspice.

In pspice, I created a simple vsin voltage source, hooked it up to a bridge rectifier, cap filter and resistor for a load. I was able to plot voltages and currents for everything no problem.

In gschem/gnetlist/ngspice, I'm still trying to get anything to even plot, much less set up an actual circuit and analyze it.

Currently, I have the following as a circuit file:
* gnetlist -g spice-sdb -o test2.cir test2.sch
* Spice file generated by gnetlist                      *
* spice-sdb version 10.9.2004 by SDB --                 *
* provides advanced spice netlisting capability.        *
* Documentation at http://www.brorson.com/gEDA/SPICE/   *
V1 1 0 0 ac sin(24 0 60)
R1 1 0 1k
.TRAN .1ns 2s

When I run ngspice, I get:

[djlogan@server geda]$ ngspice -b test2.cir -o test2.out

No. of Data Rows : 1
Error: no data saved for Transient analysis; analysis not run
doAnalyses: not found

run simulation(s) aborted
Error: .plot: no dc analysis found.
[djlogan@server geda]$ less test2.cir
[djlogan@server geda]$ ngspice -b test2.cir -o test2.out

No. of Data Rows : 1
Error: no data saved for Transient analysis; analysis not run
doAnalyses: not found

run simulation(s) aborted
Error: .plot: no dc analysis found.

What in the world am I doing wrong? There were no error messages of any kind that I could find. You would think setting up a single sinusoidal voltage source and a single resistor would be a simple task.

(When I ran tests with interactive ngspice, using a different but similar circuit, I got a whole bunch of data points, but I couldn't figure out how to plot anything, nor could I figure out how to list the plottable variables. I had a bunch of [presumably] plotted points that I couldn't see or use.)

And, while I am at it, I suppose I should ask another question: If I run ngspice in batch mode, is there a way to get a gnuplot rather than an ascii plot? Or must I run ngspice interactively to get one?

David Logan