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Re: gEDA-user: Iverilog

I tried the -y switch.

I have a directory ../modules with files like ver_7400 containing 
  module ver_7400(O,A,B);

My source file contains ver_7400 U8 (...)

iverilog -y ../modules source.vl
  source.vl:54: error: Unknown module type: ver_7400

I tried
  iverilog -y /usr/home/tomdean/cad/verilog/modules source.vl
same result.

If I do
  iverilog source.vl ../modules/*
it seems to find all the modules.  There are some modules defined that
are not needed in source.vl.  The compiler seems to not put these not
needed definitions in the output.

# iverilog -V
Icarus Verilog version 0.8 ($Name: v0_8_1 $)
Copyright 1998-2003 Stephen Williams

What am I doing wrong?


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