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Re: gEDA-user: wishful thinking from a user point of view (5)

On Wed, 04 Jul 2007 11:31:19 +0100, peter-rDcdRWvjh1wqdlJmJB21zg wrote:

>> PS: My feature requests have been deleted from the BTS. 
> They haven't -- they've been moved to the "Feature Requests" part of the
> bug tracker system. 

Oups. Sorry for the inconvenience. I was ignorant of this sourceforge 
feature ---> Will put the next feature requests to the proper folder.

Kai-Martin Knaak                                  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik      fax: +49-511-762-2211	
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover           http://www.iqo.uni-hannover.de
GPG key:    http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=Knaak+kmk&op=get

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