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gEDA-user: Component selector dialog

Hi folks,

Two changes (in unstable) to the component selector dialog that I thought 
people should be aware of:

"In Use" view

The most obvious addition is the "In Use" view, which shows a list of the 
symbols currently being used in open schematics.  I'd prefer it to only list 
the symbols used in the _current_ schematic, but there are technical reasons 
why I haven't put that in yet.

It currently has a single bug which you'll quickly spot (and which I haven't 
worked out how to fix yet), but I've been finding it absolutely indispensable 
while using it at work for the last few days, so I thought I'd share it with 
you all.

"Refresh" button

Since my revamp of the component library, new symbols added to the library 
have required a restart of gschem to appear.  The "Refresh" button on the 
component selector dialog will update the component library and refresh the 
component lists.

I hope you find these useful.  As I'm "eating my own dogfood" at the moment, 
it's giving me some extra motivation for working on gEDA!  The last piece of 
user-visible work on the component dialog (for the time being) will be 
renaming the "OK" and "Apply" buttons to something more useful, but I'm 
waiting for you, the lovely community, to provide me with shiny icons 
first. ;)

Hopefully there'll be a release from the 1.1 branch soon so all those people 
who don't like git can use my wonderful features too[1]!

Any problems with the new functionality, please send hatemail, whinge on the 
lists, or file bug reports.  :)


[1] Or click this link to get a tarball:

Peter Brett

Electronic Systems Engineer
Integral Informatics Ltd

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