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Re: gEDA-user: PCB zoom/panning slow when using copper pour

On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 09:51:25 -0700, joe tarantino wrote:

> I've noticed the same thing.  Any time planes are shown, the redraw is ~
> 10x slower than it used to be. 

Me too :-|
Thermals seem to eat lots of processor cycles...

> is there a way to turn it off or configure/build so that it isn't being
> used?  What would I lose?

My workaround is like this:

1) Define extra to and bottom layers exclusively for polygons. 
2) Put the polygon layers in the same group as the regular top/bottom 
3) calculate the polygons
4) Temporarily move the polygon layers to separate layer groups
5) Deactivate the polygon layers.  
6) Work on tracks and components
7) Move the polygon layers back to top resp. bottom group.

Kai-Martin Knaak

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