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gEDA-user: TO247 footprint doesn't match the package...

I'm using a IXFH20N60-ND MOSFET in a design.
http://rocky.digikey.com/WebLib/IXYS/Web Data/IXFH(IXFM)15N60_20N60.pdf

I'm using the mosfet-with-diode-1.sym in gschem.  I am using the TO247
footprint.  The datasheet lists the footprint as a TO247-AH.

When I import the netlist, I get the following errors in the pcb log

WARNING! Pin number ending with 'D' encountered in netlist file
Probably a bad netlist file format
Can't find Q1 pin D called for in netlist.

What is the easiest way to rectify this issue, without hand routing ?


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