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Re: gEDA-user: how to print multiple pages from command line?

On Wednesday 25 July 2007 18:50:24 Duncan Drennan wrote:
> Having a look at the gschem man page
> (http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:gschem_mp) it looks like the theory is
> that you can use -o <file_name> along with -s <scrip_name> to perform
> some magic to print all the pages specified. Is this possible? Is it
> possibly easy, or will many hours of reading be required? Where do I
> start looking to figure out how to do that?

Here's a Makefile snippet from one of my projects.  Note the steppers-new.pdf 
target which magically compiles several schematic pages into a single 

# List of PDF files to build
PDFFILES=gpio-existing-ip.pdf gpio-new.pdf steppers-existing.pdf \

%.pdf: %.ps
	ps2pdf $< $@

%.ps: %.sch
	gschem -p -s /home/peter/geda/share/gEDA/scheme/print.scm 
	  -o $@ $<

all: $(PDFFILES)

	-rm -f *.ps *.pdf gschem.log

extra-clean: clean
	-rm -f *~

steppers-new.pdf: steppers-new-1.ps steppers-new-2.ps
	gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
	-dAutoRotatPages=/All -sOutputFile=$@ $^

Peter Brett

Electronic Systems Engineer
Integral Informatics Ltd

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