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Re: gEDA-user: Mystery unrouteable rat in pcb ?

> The first I can understand because it would take 2 vias to make it
> work.  Its not trivial.
> The second I don't understand.  It looks trival and yet the line
> stays as a rat instead of routing.  Any ideas ?  Nothing appears in
> the pcb.log window.

.pcb file ?

> I've also got a warning message about a cap that is shorted to GND
> and shorted to 5V.  That is what I want, right ?  Why is it giving
> me a warning ?  I had to hand route that because the footprint pin
> identifiers didn't match the symbol.

Better to fix the footprint to match, else the rats logic will
complain.  All it does is compare the netlist to the board, and
complain about anything that differs.

Also, if you move the part to the other side, sometimes it ends up
with the pins swapped, so double check those when you do that.

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