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Re: gEDA-user: More robust support of multi-part symbols.

On Wed, 2009-07-08 at 13:49 -0700, Dave N6NZ wrote:

> Well, then IMHO, KiCad sucks. :)  Power belongs on a symbol by itself, 
> and that symbol belongs on an infrastructure page, not on the same page 
> as functional data flow.  But that's just me. (And all other right 
> thinking people :)
> -dave

You may be right...
But if there are people who like slotted parts for which one slot has
visible power pins and the other slots have not, then we should
investigate if we can integrate this functionality into gEDA without
breaking something. If it can be done, without destroying something or
making things much more complicated, and there is someone who will code
this very carefully, the we should not say that it is bad. At least not
too loud.

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