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Re: gEDA-user: Learning Spice: TwoStageAmp example

On Thursday 23 July 2009, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
> al davis wrote:
> > On Monday 20 July 2009, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
> >> Also, I would appreciate it if someone could point
> >> me to a tutorial or sample project that shows how
> >> one can do spice simulation!
> >
> > Did you look at what Stefan suggested for Gnucap?
> Yes, I did
> >>> Very basic:
> >>> http://www.johannes-bauer.com/electronics/
> I have gotten all the way though to the point of trying
> to display the curves with `gwave'. The problem is with
> Fedora's 9/10/11 gwave builds, or so I think.
> It seems there is a problem with gwave builds on Fedora.
> I reported this problem on the Fedora-Users mailing list and
> so far no response.

It works for me on Debian, without crashing.  I wouldn't expect 
a response on the Fedora-Users list, but you should be able to 
get help here.  I believe Chitlesh Goorah maintains the Fedora 
package for gwave.  He monitors this list.  Chitlesh, can you 

Usually I run gwave from the gnucap prompt ...
gnucap> tran 0 1u .01u trace all >z
gnucap> !gwave z &

! says run a shell command, & says to detach like the shell 

> I tried to build gwave from sources but
> there was a problem in which make was failing to locate
> gnome2 modules, so I gave up.

There is a library you need that is not installed.  I don't know 
what they are called in Fedora, so I can't tell you which one.  
You need the "dev" versions of the libraries, which are not 
installed by default.  Does the configure output give you any 
clues?  It doesn't work very well.

> I also downloaded the ngspice source, did a build, and all
> compiled with success, but issuing a `make check' revealed
> that the tests fail short starting with the bipolar models
> and quits where there are many more tests to go.

You need to ask the ngspice people about this.  I do know that 
there is a difference in math functions between AMD-64 and Intel 
processors, so the results could be a little different.  The 
differences are not significant, but could cause tests to fail 
if they are based on text file comparisons.

> For some reason, it seems I cannot get a simulation to work
> with the gEDA tools and I thought I was doing something very
> wrong, and that is why I was asking for a tutorial
> explaining, step-by-step, so as to demonstrate that the these
> tools actually work.  So far, it has not, with the tutorials
> I have been working with.

I don't use gspiceui .. It just goes against the way I want to 
work.  Usually, I run gnucap interactively, from the command 
line.  The netlister isn't perfect.  You should use the "spice-
sdb" netlister, not plain spice.  Even so, often I need to 
manually edit the netlist to make it work.  Working with files 
as I usually do, I can deal with it.  With a GUI, the slightest 
imperfection makes the whole thing useless.

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