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Re: gEDA-user: Learning Spice: TwoStageAmp example

Hello all:

al davis escribió:
> On Thursday 23 July 2009, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
>> al davis wrote:
>>> On Monday 20 July 2009, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
>>>> (...)

>>>>> Very basic:
>>>>> http://www.johannes-bauer.com/electronics/
>> I have gotten all the way though to the point of trying
>> to display the curves with `gwave'. The problem is with
>> Fedora's 9/10/11 gwave builds, or so I think.
>> It seems there is a problem with gwave builds on Fedora.

There was a problem in Debian too:


but in last update, it was resolved.

>  (crash)
>> I reported this problem on the Fedora-Users mailing list and
>> so far no response.
> It works for me on Debian, without crashing.  I wouldn't expect 
> a response on the Fedora-Users list, but you should be able to 
> get help here.  I believe Chitlesh Goorah maintains the Fedora 
> package for gwave.  He monitors this list.  Chitlesh, can you 
> help???
> Usually I run gwave from the gnucap prompt ...
> gnucap> tran 0 1u .01u trace all >z
> gnucap> !gwave z &
> ! says run a shell command, & says to detach like the shell 
> does.

Now, I note that Gwave don't draw well my signals (I'm a PowerPC user, 
perhaps is only to me that issue). I change to Octave wich allow me to 
work with Gnucap output (sums, averages, etc), although is a more slow 
flow work.

Usually I run Konsole, divide vertically in three parts, and I can work 
with code circuit, gnucap and octave in same screen.

KJWaves is a good option too, but I believe that it can't work with 
Gnucap, Is it Kurt?


Salud y Revolución.

Libertad es poder elegir en cualquier momento. Ahora yo elijo GNU/Linux,
para no atar mis manos con las cadenas del soft propietario.
Desde El Ejido, en Almería, usuario registrado Linux #294013

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