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Re: gEDA-user: Needs create a language (english, spanish...) specific list?

Hello Gabriel:

Gabriel Paubert escribió:
> On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 01:55:38PM +0200, Rubén Gómez Antolí wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> In last months I think about is a good point to create specifics 
>> language list (I'm talking about english, spanish, russian, french, etc 
>> not about verilog, spice and others).
>> This list is bigger with a huge traffic monthly, is not easy for a non 
>> english native speaker follow large threads with many technical terms 
>> (and no ever only electronics).
> That may be true, but I find that because I buy components and tools, 
> and sometimes also subcontract PCB manufacturing in foreign countries,
> I have to document and do everything in english anyway (try to find
> a non english datasheet: I have recently got one, since the english 
> version was an awful translation from the original korean, fortunately 
> it was short).

That may be true ;^) but think that don't be a general case. Datasheet 
isn't a good example, it don't are literature, are technical papers with 
"typical" estructure.

> I use three languages almost everyday (I'm french, I live in Spain and
> I work for an international research institute). However, when I am in 
> front of a computer, I think in english.

You are a lucky people that can use 3 languages everyday. Currently, I'm 
learning french too (I'm bad with english but french are more easy for 
me), so I use three languages too. ^_^

>> (...)

> Having a single list means that the information/tips/hints are centralized
> instead of spread and having the same question being repeated/translated
> to every language. Besides that, if you want to solve a specific problem, 
> the likeliness that someone has already encountered and solved said problem
> on a centralized list is much larger.

The question here is: how larger will be "local" mail list? If we can 
answer this question, we should focus more this question.

Is a reality that a few users mail list aren't a good help (generally).

> Now the above is only valid for the mailing list, I think that translating
> the documentation and wiki pages is a very good idea. The problem is to
> make sure that they are kept in sync, or rather to prevent them from
> falling too much behind.

It is a good and big point. I know, at least, two spanish translate for 
Stuart Geda's howto; and I have my own translate (that don't are in the 
net still). We need, at least, a good documentation in other languages, 
I think.

>> Desde El Ejido, en Almería, usuario registrado Linux #294013
> Desde Granada, casí un vecino :-)

You are the nearest (to me, and in geoghraphical terms, only 150 km) 
geda user that I know. ^_^

Vaya, eres el usuario de Geda más cercano que conozco; he cambiado 
correos con otros usuarios pero o son del otro lado del Atlántico o de 

Precisamente, el martes de la semana pasada estuve en Granada con la 
gente de la fundación del Software Libre (www.fidesol.org) tratando de 
sacar adelante un proyecto en SL para la empresa. A la próxima quedamos 
y nos echamos unas cervezas o unos vinos (con sus tapas) ;^)

(For english users: I propossing Gabriel a "technical encounter" with 
beer or wine between ;^D  )

> 	Gabriel


Salud y Revolución.

Libertad es poder elegir en cualquier momento. Ahora yo elijo GNU/Linux,
para no atar mis manos con las cadenas del soft propietario.
Desde El Ejido, en Almería, usuario registrado Linux #294013

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