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gEDA-user: OT help with Make

Can someone point me in the right direction, I am stuck -

my Makefile looks something like this:


resist: resistivityAnalysis.csv

pdar: PdArAnalysis.csv

resistivityAnalysis.csv : list_of_dependant_files
         build_resistivityAnalysis type

pdar.csv: list_of_other_dependant_files
         build_pdarAnalysis type


What I want is to simply call "make resist" or "make pdar" and have the thing change the variable 'type' accordingly, but can't come up with a solution. For now, brute force works and the parameter is passed on the command line - but that is a lousy way in my opinion.

Make manual describes target dependant variable defintions, but it didn't work - gave me an error something like "unknown comman". That should have worked for me. Another option was to call $(make) recursively - yet another kludge, and it picked up the directory from where the executable is located, not the sources, so that didn't work out.

Is there a way to do the following:

target1 :

target2 :
    execute target1



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