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Re: gEDA-user: PCB X.00
On Jul 17, 2010, at 8:53 AM, kai-martin knaak <kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> DJ Delorie wrote on the other list, were mere mortals like me are not
> allowed to post:
>> I don't know. My conundrum at the moment is that pcb is at 1.99z so
>> we're out of letters,
> why not go on with either 1.100, or 1.991, or 1.99za, or 1.99Ã ...
> Seriously, I'd love to see some form of more fine grained versions. Why not
> three dot separated numbers like almost every other application on my
> desktop (gnome 2.28.3, KDE 4.3.4, ooffice 2.2.0? The pcb version has been so
> long at 99.z that it renders the result of the --version command line option
> virtually useless.
> This output should include some automatically at compile time generated bits
> of information. Say, the build time, and when applicable, the patch level
> and the name of the current git branch.
The 7 digit sha sum is a good thing too when it comes to a detailed revision.
> ---<)kaimartin(>---
> --
> Kai-Martin Knaak
> Ãffentlicher PGP-SchlÃssel:
> http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x6C0B9F53
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