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gEDA-user: Power relay question

   This is a dumb question but I'm having a mental block.

   I have a 12 volt dc motor that I want to run from the push of
   a momentary pushbutton which will run until a limit switch gets hit.
   Digikey has a power latching relay PB1088-ND (cheap) that I can't tell
   if it actually latches once energized.  (I attached the relay document)

   Is relays and switches even the best/cheapest solution?  Suggestions?


   quantity of 2 12 volt batteries available


   momenary 12 volt pushbutton #1


   12 volt dc motor #1

   12 volt dc motor #2

   The application:
   Stage 1: momentary signal from pushbutton #1 starts motor #1 that
   runs until a limit switch is hit triggering stage 2
   Stage 2: motor #2 runs until another limit switch is hit and remains
   Stage 3: momentary signal from pushbutton #1 reverses the polarity of
   power to the motor #2 running it until back to it's start position and
   triggering stage 4
   Stage 4: reverse of the ploarity of the power to motor #1 running it
   until it is back to the start position

   Thanks for any suggestions if non I'll just wing it.

Attachment: PB1088-ND relay doc.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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