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Re: gEDA-user: Circuit Simulators - again

OK, this works.
I think gwave has problems however ... I get the following :
Loading schematic [/home/flatmax/direct-gwave-test.sch]

Circuit: * Spice netlister for gnetlist

Level not specified: Using level 1.
Doing analysis at TEMP = 300.150000 and TNOM = 300.150000
Warning: vs: no DC value, transient time 0 value used
No. of Data Columns : 9  

Initial Transient Solution

Node                                   Voltage
----                                   -------
out                                          0
2                                            9
3                                      4.01094
4                                       2.1647
1                                      2.81937
in                                           0
vs#branch                                    0
v#branch                           -0.00107794

No. of Data Rows : 508
CPU time since last call: 0.170 seconds.

Total CPU time: 0.170 seconds.

Current dynamic memory usage = 143360,
Dynamic memory limit = -98305.

62  (or (try-module-linked name) (try-module-autoload name) ...)
63* [try-module-autoload (gtk-1.2 gtk)]
64    R@0 R@0 N@( R@H'N@@ N@-module dir-hint-module-name #f) (and # #))
65  ` N@€ N@8 N@X N@0 N@  N@0 N@P N@(lambda () #) (lambda () #) ...)

On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 11:09:16PM -0400, Ales Hvezda wrote:
> Hi,
> >with reference to this article :
> >http://www.mail-archive.com/geda-user@geda.seul.org/msg00010.html
> >
> >I have altered my gschemrc to look like so 
> [snip]
> >("1" . direct-gwave)
> 	This line needs to be put into the system-gschemrc into the
> "global-keymap" structure.  This structure starts around line ~929.
> [snip]
> >Also, does this mean that when operating gschem you can just push '1' to
> >operate ngspice ????
> 	I really don't know.  Just looking at the scheme code, it looks
> like it creates a spice netlist via gnetlist, runs that through ngspice
> and then runs gwave.  I find this idea of using scheme to bind the tools
> rather clever. :)  I was planning to integrating this scheme code into
> the main distribution, but I didn't get around it because my guile-gtk
> install is/was broken (so I couldn't test it).  I bet I still have the
> original e-mail in my inbox waiting for me to do something with it (yup).
> Needless to say, I'm a little (very) behind.
> 								-Ales


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