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Re: gEDA-user: gschem2pcb Issues

-----Quoted Message-----
> From: Chris Ellec <chris.ellec@aegisdevices.com>
> Sent: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 10:00:46 -0700
> > ...However, upon running gschem2pcb on a very simple schematic it 
> > produced the netlist ok, but when it moved on to the "-g PCBboard" 
> > part, it just sat there cranking away...  
> > 
> Here is the m4 code that generates the CONNECTOR footprint:
> define(`PKG_CONNECTOR',
> 	`define(`MAXY', `eval(`$4' * 100)')
> 	define(`MAXX', `eval(`$5' * 100)')
> Element(0x00 "$1" "$2" "$3" eval(MAXX + 60) 0 3 100 0x00)
> (
> 	forloop(`row', 1, $4, `forloop(`col', 1, $5,
> 		`PIN(eval(col * 100 -50), eval(row * 100 -50), 60, 30, eval((row-1)*$5+col))
> 	') ')
> if you look at the first number in your Element(0x00 .. line, you have 
> 160. If you look at the m4 code, that means parameter $4 was null, which 
> would create the infinite loop in the forloop code above.
> Seeing how $1 is CONNECTOR_2, I strongly suspect you defined the value 
> in gschem to be value=CONNECTOR_2, when it should have been CONNECTOR 2 
> with a space, which means you didn't have a valide size parameter.
> Remove that extra _ and it should work.
> Chris.

Yeah, that infinite loop must be the problem.  However, the only defined 
attributes in the schematic for that component are as follows:

C 32100 74200 1 270 0 connector2-1.sym
	T 32900 74200 5 10 1 1 270 0
	T 32100 74200 5 10 0 1 0 0
	footprint=SIL 2

So, the aforementioned underscore must be coming from somewhere else.  
Perhaps one of the scheme files?  Am I the only one who has ever seen 
this kind of thing, because the same infinite loop happened in every 
schematic I tried.  Thanks guys.
-Bryan Cattle