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RE: gEDA-user: PDX open source conference

For me it's just a drive across the bridge and
parking so I hope to at least get into see the
free exhibits. I am going to be on vacation at
that time so I'm not sure if I will even be able
to make it.

My boss sprung for sending me to Embedded Sys con
this year but I had to cancel because of the war.
I might be able to get him to pick up the conference

At least this town has decent beer.

John Eaton

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Williams [mailto:steve@icarus.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 9:07 AM
To: geda-user@seul.org
Subject: Re: gEDA-user: PDX open source conference 

john_eaton@hp.com said:
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/os2003/

That's flying distance for me, but the convention prices are kinda
steep for a starving open-source developer:-(
Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at icarus.com           But I have promises to keep,
steve at picturel.com         and lines to code before I sleep,
http://www.picturel.com       And lines to code before I sleep."