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Re: gEDA-user: flip and mirror in pcb?

On Tue, 3 Jun 2003 22:29:39 +0200
Svenn Are Bjerkem <svenn@bjerkem.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> again a question on PCB. Rotating components make their designators upside 
> down. Is there a hidden function to flip components?

Well, the only way I can imagine it is by sendind it to teh far side...
You can do it by pressing the TAB key and inserting it, or by sending it
with a command that I dont remeber (because I never used it...)
Note that the silkscreen goes to the far side too.

> The way I work around is to move the designator away from the component in 
> select mode and then try to hit it with the rotate until it look good and 
> then move it back in the vincinity of the componet it belongs to again. (just 
> like one have to do it in gschem)

You can do it without moving outside the componente, but you must hit it
with certain precision, because you will rotate the entire component...

> Svenn