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Re: gEDA-user: PCB for veroboard layout?

On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 20:55:38 +0200
Svenn Are Bjerkem <svenn@bjerkem.de> wrote:

> On Wednesday 11 June 2003 01:17, Terry Porter wrote:
> > Can you elaborate please ?
> >
> > By 'veroboards' do you mean the off the shelf pre etched and drilled copper
> > clad boards with rows of straight lines of copper drilled every 0.1 inch ?
> Excactly. They may have a different name in different countries. (Just like 
> "Tesa" film in Germany)
> Normally these prototyping boards are laid out on paper, if at all, and the 
> components placed and soldered on the run. After a round with a milling 
> machine I discovered that the time spent on the first board probably exceeded 
> the time I would have needed for a prototyping board. 
> I've done many veros by paper and tried to find a software to put it on the 
> computer (nice for sharing on the net, in pdf etc.) The ones I have found are 
> not worth mentioning and I have to learn a new schematic and pcb tool with 
> less flexibility and crap libraries.
> Needed is a plot of top side with component and jumper placement and bottom 
> with line breaks. The hole grid should be visible as light gray dots (not to 
> obscure components) with every fifth row and column numbered in order to 
> localize placement and cutting. For the outline of the board, I guess one 
> could make a component without too much work and lock it in place in order 
> not to accidentally move it, as it would cover all the other components.
> Automatic placement of components is not a must.

Ahh, now I understand what you want, I can say that I've never seen any app that does this
for Linux.

I honestly feel that my simple methods of using Gaf and Pcb, produce a prototype far sooner
than I could with the 'veroboard" method.

The pcbs look great, unlike the veroboard method imho.

Have you seen the examples and pics on my pcb site ?

Kind Regards
Homemade pcbs using Gnu/LinuX gEDA/PCB page :-       
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