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gEDA-user: >8 layers in PCB cvs

For the daring and adventurous, I've just committed a patch to pcb to
support more than 8 layers.  PCB is still current configured for 8
layers, but if you rebuild it with MAX_LAYERS set higher, it will work
mostly properly.  Caveats:

* Layer groups beyond layer 8 aren't set up right.

* Layer colors and names beyond layer 8 aren't configured.

* If you load boards saved with a smaller MAX_LAYERS, the silk layers
  turn into copper layers (they're identified by layer number, not by
  name or flags).

So, please try the new version WITHOUT changing MAX_LAYERS, and make
sure everything still works (remember what happened the last time I
messed with the flag code? ;) Make sure you save a backup copy ;-)

And if you need more than 8 layers, give that a try too!

You'll need to get the sources out of CVS; they're not in any of the
snapshots yet.
