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Re: gEDA-user: PCB: Connecting Nets by hand

On Jun 24, 2005, at 1:18 PM, Stuart Brorson wrote:
One issue with PCB is that it lacks the ability to do backannotation
into gschem.  That is, it would be nice if one could make small
changes in the layout (e.g. pin swapping), and then be able to run a
program (called "gbackanno", say) which would read the .pcb file & the
.sch file, and then output a .sch file which wrote the new
connectivity info into the .sch file.

Along these lines...can PCB *generate* a netlist? I.e...if I just do a board layout with no netlist, can I tell PCB to go through the board and create one?


Dave McGuire "I wonder what 'Error Code 1' means. That's
Cape Coral, FL what it said when it started smoking." -Jonathan Patschke