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Re: gEDA-user: How to create my own parts?

> Good morning. Is there an example of creating a ngspice'able symbol 
> somewhere? I'm reviewing the documents, but never having set up a 
> symbol, nor making anything ngspice compatible, I'm finding the 
> documentation confusing.
> I would like to set up symbols to match the various parts I am starting 
> to accumulate. Diodes, transistors, transformers, that sort of thing. 
> I'd also like to be able to run ngspice without having to edit my 
> circuit file each time.

As odd as this sounds, you can't do what you want right now.  The
attributes for SPICE netlisting like "model", "file-name", and the like,
are not promoted from the symbol.  That means that if you embedd them
into the .sym file, they won't show up in the .sch file & you won't
get them into the netlist.  

I understand that Ales is working on changing this.  Meanwhile, use
gattrib to quickly set up and change your SPICE attribs after you draw
your schematic.  
