To everyone who offered advice on my component placement
dilemma: THANK YOU! I’m taking this whole situation as impetus to get off
my lazy duff and learn PERL, which I think would go a long way to automating
much of the drudgery within PCB design. For many years I worked with Viewlogic/DxDesigner &
PowerPCB. When I lost the job that paid for these EXPENSIVE tools due to
lay-offs I was heartbroken. I known about gEDA for a long time but I didn’t think
they could compete with beloved Windows EDA tools. When my current
employer decided that they needed a new suite of tools but didn’t really
want to budget anything for them; that was the last straw as it were. I am amazed at how mature the gEDA suite is and the ability
to edit the files with a text editor is useful beyond words. Robert M. Lombardi II Sr. Engineering Technician ---------------------------------------- Azonix Corporation – R&D 900 Middlesex Tpke. – Bldg 6 DIRECT 978-313-3343 FAX 978- cell: 978-821-7495 email: rlombardi@xxxxxxxxxx |
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