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Re: gEDA-user: Ground +5V confusion
On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 12:34:55PM -0400, Ian Chapman wrote:
> I have a ground plane and I keep connecting 5V to it because the rats
> show up as an orange ring on both.
I'm not sure I understand your question. The default color scheme includes
a light brownish color for rats, and a true orange for "shorted nets" so
I can't tell which you are referring to.
Here's how I route power/gnd: Mouse over a known net (ends of a polarized
cap are often easy) and then hit 'F'. This 'finds' the matching nets and
turns them bright green. This includes the matching rats. This makes it
easy to see which ones to route. If you have the netlist window up, the
'f'ind will also highlight the net in that window.
Ben Jackson AD7GD
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