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gEDA-user: no output from gnetlist...?

  I have a schematic that now when processed with gnetlist
  "gnetlist -g drc2 avr_prog.sch -o drc_output"
  produces no .net netlist file.  
  Same schematic was working and was producing netlists, but 
  I must have busted something and can't figure out what I 
  Visual inspection (with vi) of the .sch file looks ok. 
  Gnetlist .log file only has the usual warnings about duplicate 
  slots (I have two tri-state buffers per packages in two places).  
  No other warnings/errors.  

  Gsymcheck -vv run on the symbols kicks out a few compaints, but
  nothing that looks really bothersome.

  Where can I look from here?  The tools are not complaining so
  I'm at a loss.  

  Roger Traylor

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