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gEDA-user: egg on face removed... but why...?
OK, sanity restored...story below followed by a question.
While in pcb I see that swapping buffers between two packages
will make routing easier. I close pcb.
I edit, save, close schematic. Run gnetlist, gsch2pcb. Looks good.
Reopen pcb. The rats have not moved between the changed buffers.
Check the .net file. Exactly the same as the schematic...
Yet pcb did not reflect the change!
Solution...(well...kludge) Change the refdes on the two packages
in gschem. Run gnetlist, gsch2pcb. Reopen pcb.
Rats moved and now correctly relect the netlist change.
Scary and unnerving. Can someone explain this behavior and help me avoid
this scenario in the future?
Roger Traylor
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