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Re: gEDA-user: Hybrid hierarchy
I ran into a similar situation where i was splitting a complex fpga up
across sub-sheets. I added a parameter hierarchy_disable = 1 to each
symbol that I didn't want to expand the hierarchy. I of course am
running a non-standard netlister. I have a recent version of my
netlister that supports reasonably current gschem schematics and
hierarchy_disable allows the netlister to continue processing sub
symbols it just stops adding hierarchy tags to the fromt of each refdes
another parameter
no_bom says that a particular symbol should not be added to a bom as a
unique component. So i pick one fpga sub-symbol for bom creation and all
the rest for that device get the no_bom tag.
If you run into problems with the standard netlister let me know and I
will release a version of my nonstandard one.
Best Wishes,
Steve Meier
On Fri, 2008-06-27 at 20:52 +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working with a moderately complex design which uses a about 3 levels
> of hierarchy in places. In others, I simply increment part-numbers
> between sheets.
> I've got a situation where I want to disable hierarchy mangling for a
> single instantiated module, a relay bank ("X1") inside one of my output
> stages ("X5").
> The relay bank is defined with a hierarchy block, 8x pages
> (autogenerated) which have relays tied to the appropriate IO symbols
> with refdes as appropriate to the symbol which represents this block.
> This gives "X5/X1/K1" "X5/X1/K2" etc...
> What I'd like to do is instantiate this block without any "/X1" in the
> refdes. IE.. turn name mangling off for this specific entity.
> I tried deleting the "refdes=.." attribute for that block, and gnetlist
> then treated the block's contents as top-level entities ("K1", "K2"
> etc..).
> I'm about to patch my gnetlist to keep the prefix up to this point, such
> that they become:
> "X5/K1", "X5/K2" etc..
> Does anyone have any opinion as to whether this is sane?
> (Future controls on such an instantiated block might be nice such as
> having it respond to attributes such as "refdes_add=100" (to alter block
> internal refdes in a different way).
> Regards,
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