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Re: gEDA-user: easy creation of geda/gaf's windows binaries
> Recently there was an email about geda/gaf's windows binaries.
> I wrote a small howto which can help you automate the compilation for
> those binaries with mingw cross compilers and ease the maintenance of
> extra cygwin related scripts.
> I have used gerbv as example here.
> http://clunixchit.blogspot.com/2009/06/using-fedoras-windows-cross-compilers.html
Thank you. Anything that pushes Widnows development along is good.
There is also the script by Cesar Strauss.
His script automates the cross-compilation of gEDA/gaf, Pcb and Gerbv,
along with their dependencies, which includes GTK, Guile, Libgd, etc.
You can get it by git:
git clone git://repo.or.cz/minipack.git
It needs to be documented on someplace more visible like the Wiki.
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