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Re: gEDA-user: web version of gschem/pcb
On Mon, 20 Jun 2011 12:00:53 -0700 (PDT)
Josh Jordan <outerspaceman81@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> web-geda would save and load files in the current geda format and
> only draw in SVG. ÂSVG is really efficient to parse in javascript,
> panning and zooming will as responsive or more responsive than
> desktop-geda. ÂSVG also has built in events such as mouseover and
> click that work on vector elements.
I can't see a benefit to doing any serious work with a web application,
but it would be very useful to have a lightweight web-geda viewer to
allow users browsing a web site to click a schematic and be able to
zoom/pan the schematic right within the browser.
How is a web app better than a local application? Certainly web apps
have plenty of inherent problems, like what if your internet connection
goes does, or the server gets DDOS'd, or... you get the idea. There
has to be a compelling reason to add the extra complexity and machinery
of a web application. For example, Google Docs is nice in some ways
for distributed teams to collaboratively share and edit documents.
(I won't say Google Docs is great, but it's better than e-mailing
documents back and forth for edits.)
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