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Re: gEDA-user: question about PCB-Library

In the redhat linux computer that I use, the directory is
/usr/local/share/pcb/m4 and /usr/local/pcb/newlib. To make new
footprint, do the following:
1. run the 'pcb' program
2. file->load element date to paste buffer
3. select the element, then right click on the selected element,
choose "break element into pieces"
4. do your editing. remember to number the line/via's by typing 'n'
when mouse arrow is on the line/via
5. select all lines/vias to be the new element
6. with the mouse arrow on first via/line, right click, choose
"convert selection into element"
7. press 'q' when mouse arrow is on the first pin/line (to make it squre)
8. select the new element, right click on it, choose "cut selection to buffer"
9. from manu, choose "buffer->save buffer element to file"

then you are done.

vax, 9000

On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 20:39:13 +0100, Manfred Eggersdorf
<manfred.eggersdorf@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I ve got a problem:
> I can't find the PCB-Library-Parts - this are not named  .pcb?
> How can I find an existing footprint to change it and safe it new?
> Thank you!
> Manfred