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gEDA-user: Free Dog Gathering -- Thursday, March 3rd!!!
-------------- Free Dog Gathering Announcement -------------------
The Free EDA Users Group will meet this coming Thursday, March 3rd.
Continuing our exploration of alternate venues, this month we'll try
out the Starbucks Cafe on Main St with the address "6 Cambridge
Center" (formerly known as Main Street in Kendall Square). Thanks,
John, for the suggestion! Map and directions are here:
The meeting will be an open and informal working session. Some items
on the agenda are:
* Future articles about gEDA and open-source EDA in general.
* Play around with Bill Wilson's gpcb; create bug list & (possibly)
patches for Bill.
* Talk about any bugs remaining in gEDA/gaf before next release.
* Install CD issues -- problems with CD, systems to test; where/when
to do testing.
* Your favorite issue here!
Free Dog is an association of like-minded hackers and engineers
interested in free and open EDA tools. We hold monthly meetings at MIT
(and other locations) featuring informal networking, speakers, and
camaraderie. Our goals are to learn more about CAD, engineering and
scientific software, share ideas about our current projects, and --
most importantly -- have fun with like-minded people. We welcome new
members and participants of all ages. Students are particularly
Date: Thursday, March 3rd. (*** Note the change of day! ***)
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Starbucks Coffee, 6 Cambridge Center (Main St), Cambridge,
For more details, please contact me privately at sdb (AT) cloud9 (DOT)