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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA, where are the loadable examples?

On Sunday 13 March 2005 15:54, Stuart Brorson wrote:
>Hi Guys --
>Welcome to gEDA!
>> >> Also, in grepping for the chip building blocks I'd need, none
>> >> of the 3 main chips '82c55', 'L298' or 'L297' I need seem to be
>> >> present.
>> >
>> >That's simply because none of the existing gEDA users have had a
>> > need for these symbols.  What I do in this case if find a symbol
>> > that is close to the one I need and modify it.
>> Possible, but the 8255 family is almost a cpu in it own right, so
>> I doubt there is anything useable other than its 40 pin 600 mill
>> dip packageing.  And 24 of those 40 pins can input, or output,
>> depending on how its mode register is programmed.  One would have
>> to write 16 variations of it and use the one corresponding to the
>> mode byte. That, as they say, makes the cheese a bit more binding.
>First, I think you need to distinguish between the device's symbol
>and its footprint.  The symbol is the graphic object you place on
> the schematic using gschem.  The footprint is the graphic object
> you place on the PC board using PCB.
Point taken.  Not fully understood, but taken.

>There are plenty of parts with no symbols in gEDA.  This is because
>everybody just makes their own symbol for their specific job, and
>nobody shares the symbols after that.  It's just human nature --
>sharing software is fun, sharing symbols isn't. . . .  go figure.
>Anyway, you will probably need to make your own symbol.
>As for the footprint, you will need to run PCB to see if it exists.
>If it's a standard symbol, it may exist.  If it's not, then you'll
>need to make it.  There is a link to a doc talking about building
> PCB symbols on this webpage:

I'll be right there...  And I got the tutorial, thanks.

>Also, John Luciani has build a large number of PCB footprints; he
> put them on the web for free download here:

I'll check that too.  Well, was going to, but its not found
I do get a dir full of... found it, missing '/pcb' in the string 
above :)  I dl'd  pcb-symbols-jcl.gz, which says its the whole thing 
in one sock.gz.

>> How is ngspice at simulating analogue circuitry thats supposed to
>> be running in pwm mode?
>Probably slow -- it doesn't have the concept of event-driven
>simulation, which is very useful for simulating pwm-mode circuits.
>Try GnuCap instead.  Or download LTSpice from the Linear Tech
> website. It is Windows native (yuck!), but you can also run it
> under wine.
Humm, I'd forgotten that, seems I ran into that the last time I ran 
spice-5.something or druther on my amiga a decade back.

Wine? Windows  Spit...  Partially because I've never found any windows 
proggy that wine could run here, too many miss-set options in the 
startups probably, but I've no real patience for windows stuff 
anyway, I came up thru the ranks of machine coding an RCA 1802 board, 
and a couple of z80 things, then a TI99/4a & then to a bunch of 
TRS-80 Color computers running os9/nitros9 which is a lot like unix 
on a 64k memory machine (2 megs if you stick all the aftermarket 
goodies in it like I did), then to the big box amigas, and thence to 
building my first x86 box in 97 and putting RH5.1 on it at the time.  
Never, ever, had a copy of windows on the premises.  But I'll go 
lookup gnuCap and see if its useable by an old fart (70) like me.  
Hopefully its GPL'd.  ISTR I saw something go by on freshmeat in the 
last few months, so I'll start there.

Many thanks again Stuart.


Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
99.34% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
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