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Re: gEDA-user: newbie opamp blues
Hi David --
Did you look here? --
Look at the bottom of the page for info about attributes.
BTW: Which "it" tells you that you have missing attributes?
For "refdes" double click on the part and edit U? to read U1, or
something like that.
For "pinnumber", you need to edit the symbol so that it has
pinnumbers. However, not all netlisters need the pinnumber (IIRC), so
I am curious what command -- and what command flags -- you are using
to get the error message.
> Good morning.
> How do I find out what to specify in gschem or after a gnetlist so that
> I may use the opamp? It tells me
> "Missing Attributes (refdes and pin number)"
> a whole bunch of times. But so far, I have had no luck in finding any
> documentation that explains how to specify what I need to specify.
> David Logan