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gEDA-user: revert in pcb_hid

Please find attached my File-Revert implementation for the current PCB in sourceforge CVS. This is an output of

cvs diff -C 3 -p



E-Mail: lekovacs@xxxxxxxxxxxx
AIM: ha5ogl
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MSN: ha5ogl@xxxxxxxxxxx
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Have Fun, & Linux! 73 for all by HA5OGL.
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? Makefile
? config.h
? config.log
? config.status
? diff_out.txt
? stamp-h1
? lib/CreateLibrary.sh
? lib/CreateLibraryContents.sh
? lib/ListLibraryContents.sh
? lib/Makefile
? lib/QueryLibrary.sh
? lib/amp.list
? lib/amp.m4
? lib/bourns.list
? lib/bourns.m4
? lib/cts.list
? lib/cts.m4
? lib/geda.list
? lib/geda.m4
? lib/johnstech.list
? lib/johnstech.m4
? lib/minicircuits.list
? lib/minicircuits.m4
? lib/panasonic.list
? lib/panasonic.m4
? lib/pcblib
? lib/pcblib.contents
? lib/qfp-ui
? newlib/Makefile
? newlib/2_pin_thru-hole_packages/Makefile
? newlib/analog-devices/Makefile
? newlib/burr-brown/Makefile
? newlib/connectors/Makefile
? newlib/crystal/Makefile
? newlib/cypress/Makefile
? newlib/electro-optics/Makefile
? newlib/generic_SMD_packages/Makefile
? newlib/headers/Makefile
? newlib/msp430/Makefile
? newlib/not_vetted_ingo/Makefile
? newlib/sockets/Makefile
? newlib/tests/Makefile
? newlib/toko/Makefile
? src/.deps
? src/.test
? src/Makefile
? src/Pcb
? src/core_lists.h
? src/parse_l.c
? src/parse_y.c
? src/parse_y.h
? src/pcb-menu.h
? src/pcbtest.sh
? src/res_lex.c
? src/res_parse.c
? src/res_parse.h
? src/hid/bom/.deps
? src/hid/bom/.dirstamp
? src/hid/common/.deps
? src/hid/common/.dirstamp
? src/hid/common/hidlist.h
? src/hid/gerber/.deps
? src/hid/gerber/.dirstamp
? src/hid/gtk/.deps
? src/hid/gtk/.dirstamp
? src/hid/gtk/gtk_lists.h
? src/hid/lesstif/.deps
? src/hid/lesstif/.dirstamp
? src/hid/lesstif/lesstif_lists.h
? src/hid/lpr/.deps
? src/hid/lpr/.dirstamp
? src/hid/png/.deps
? src/hid/png/.dirstamp
? src/hid/png/png_lists.h
? src/hid/ps/.deps
? src/hid/ps/.dirstamp
? src/hid/ps/ps_lists.h
? src/icons/Makefile
? src/script/Makefile
? src/script/pcb
Index: src/action.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pcb/pcb/src/action.c,v
retrieving revision 1.69
diff -C3 -p -r1.69 action.c
*** src/action.c	23 Mar 2006 02:19:16 -0000	1.69
--- src/action.c	25 Mar 2006 14:33:51 -0000
*************** typedef enum
*** 133,138 ****
--- 133,139 ----
+   F_Revert,
*************** static FunctionType Functions[] = {
*** 290,295 ****
--- 291,297 ----
    {"ResetLinesAndPolygons", F_ResetLinesAndPolygons},
    {"ResetPinsViasAndPads", F_ResetPinsViasAndPads},
    {"Restore", F_Restore},
+   {"Revert", F_Revert},
    {"Rotate", F_Rotate},
    {"Save", F_Save},
    {"Scroll", F_Scroll},
*************** ActionSaveTo (int argc, char **argv, int
*** 4020,4032 ****
  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * load data
!  * syntax: Load(ElementToBuffer|Layout|LayoutToBuffer|Netlist)
  static int
  ActionLoadFrom (int argc, char **argv, int x, int y)
    char *function;
    char *name;
    if (argc < 2)
--- 4022,4035 ----
  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * load data
!  * syntax: Load(ElementToBuffer|Layout|LayoutToBuffer|Netlist|Revert)
  static int
  ActionLoadFrom (int argc, char **argv, int x, int y)
    char *function;
    char *name;
+   char fname[256];
    if (argc < 2)
*************** ActionLoadFrom (int argc, char **argv, i
*** 4066,4071 ****
--- 4069,4080 ----
        if (!ReadNetlist (PCB->Netlistname))
  	hid_action ("NetlistChanged");
+    else if (strcasecmp (function, "Revert") == 0 && PCB->Filename && (!PCB->Changed || gui->confirm_dialog(_("OK to override changes?"), 0)))
+ 		{
+ 		strcpy(fname,PCB->Filename);  /*Calling LoadPCB(PCB->Filename) changes the content of PCB->Filename.*/
+ 		LoadPCB(fname);
+ 		}
    RestoreCrosshair (True);
    return 0;
Index: src/pcb-menu.res
RCS file: /cvsroot/pcb/pcb/src/pcb-menu.res,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -C3 -p -r1.19 pcb-menu.res
*** src/pcb-menu.res	21 Mar 2006 17:34:59 -0000	1.19
--- src/pcb-menu.res	25 Mar 2006 14:33:53 -0000
*************** MainMenu =
*** 8,13 ****
--- 8,14 ----
     {"About..." About()}
     {"Save layout" Save(Layout)}
     {"Save layout as..." Save(LayoutAs)}
+ 	{"Revert" Load(Revert,none)}
     {"Load layout" Load(Layout)}
     {"Load element data to paste-buffer" PasteBuffer(Clear) Load(ElementTobuffer)}
     {"Load layout data to paste-buffer" PasteBuffer(Clear) Load(LayoutTobuffer)}
Index: src/hid/gtk/gui-top-window.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pcb/pcb/src/hid/gtk/gui-top-window.c,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C3 -p -r1.8 gui-top-window.c
*** src/hid/gtk/gui-top-window.c	25 Mar 2006 04:53:06 -0000	1.8
--- src/hid/gtk/gui-top-window.c	25 Mar 2006 14:34:08 -0000
*************** save_layout_as_cb (GtkAction * action, G
*** 237,242 ****
--- 237,249 ----
    hid_actionl ("Save", "LayoutAs", 0);
+ static void revert_cb(GtkAction *action, GHidPort *port)
+ 	{
+ 	hid_actionl ("LoadFrom", "Revert", "none", 0);
+ 	}
  static void
  load_layout_cb (GtkAction * action, GHidPort * port)
*************** static GtkActionEntry entries[] = {
*** 1152,1157 ****
--- 1159,1165 ----
     G_CALLBACK (save_layout_cb)},
    {"SaveLayoutAs", NULL, N_("Save layout as"), NULL, NULL,
     G_CALLBACK (save_layout_as_cb)},
+ 	{ "Revert", NULL, N_("Revert"), NULL, NULL, G_CALLBACK(revert_cb)},
    {"LoadLayout", NULL, N_("Load layout"), NULL, NULL,
     G_CALLBACK (load_layout_cb)},
    {"LoadElementData", NULL, N_("Load element data to paste-buffer"),
*************** static const gchar *ui_info =
*** 1605,1610 ****
--- 1613,1620 ----
    "			<menuitem action='SaveLayout'/>"
    "			<menuitem action='SaveLayoutAs'/>"
    "			<separator/>"
+   "			<menuitem action='Revert'/>"
+   "			<separator/>"
    "			<menuitem action='LoadLayout'/>"
    "			<menuitem action='LoadElementData'/>"
    "			<menuitem action='LoadLayoutData'/>"

Attachment: pgpkTavjvOL4z.pgp
Description: PGP signature