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Re: gEDA-user: Toporouter update?
On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 1:24 PM, kai-martin knaak <kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Anthony Blake wrote:
>> btw, if there are other little projects or features you would like to
>> add..
> Last time I checked, there were some real show-stoppers. E.g, the topo
> router would choke on preexisting tracks. I'd rather see these major issues
> resolved than divert energy toward added features.
Absolutely agree with you about fixing those show-stoppers first.. the
problem is none of those issues (e.g., vias, existing geometry etc)
are small tasks suitable for people new to the toporouter to take on.
I would prefer to deal with those issues myself as part of the GSoC
this year.
> That said, I can surely come up with loads of feature requests. All kinds of
> suggestions to the router, layers exclusively for specific signals,
> customizable preferred directions, design rules that depend on the net, ...
> ;-)
Yup, those are the features I really want to get other people
implementing, so I can spend my time working on core features like
vias and existing traces..
Anthony Blake
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