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gEDA-user: Ann: gerbv 0.0.8 released


it's time for the next release of Gerber Viewer, aka gerbv,
the "popup menu"-release.

There was a couple of months since last release. The first two months
I didn't do anything, then I started some minor hacking. I have managed
to "recruit" a helping hand from my friend Anders Eriksson, who has
more experience in graphical stuff than I have.

Graphical quirks fixed is:
- zooming around the mouse pointer. This was probably the most requested
  feature and the thing I was most unpleased with.
- zooming several steps at once goes much faster. No calculation and
  redrawing in each zoom step, but in the last step.

When you click with the left mouse button on a layer button you
get a popup menu with color selection, load file and unload file.
That is on a "per layer-basis". The "global" "Open File..." menu is
removed in favor for this.

For the next release most of the ideas are in the feature request
database. One plan I have is to remove the Guile stuff. If you you
use it, please get in contact ASAP. It wasn't really what I thought
it would be.

Comments, patches and suggestions are, as always, very welcome. I have
started to use the bug database and feature request database available
through sourceforge. Have a look there if you curious what's going on
or if you have any idea that you think should be implemented in gerbv.

Homepage for gerbv is still http://gerbv.sourceforge.net/

To download gerbv goto
and grab gerbv-0.0.8.tar.gz

To install the program do
1. gzip -dc gerbv-0.0.8.tar.gz | tar xf -
2. cd gerbv-0.0.8
3. ./configure
4. make install

Interesting configure options are:
--help          : Lists all options
--disable-batch : Disable compilation of Guile/Scheme backends
--prefix=<dir>  : Install from dir <prefix>

What's new in 0.0.8
- Added pop up menu with a right click on layer buttons with:
  - color selection.
  - load file
  - unload file
- Multi quadrant arc bug fix. Reported by Neil Darlow.
- Zooming around mouse pointer.
- Setting up a clock as mouse pointer when redrawing.
- Zooming is done restarted if several zoom step in a row is requested.
- Ovals were drawn as ellypses, not anymore. Hinted by Dino Ghilardi.
- Multi quadrant arcs had severe bugs. Fixed now.

Best regards,
! Stefan Petersen, MSc EE         !  \
! http://www.stacken.kth.se/~spe/ !    \_________________________
! spe at stacken.kth.se           !    /  ! umop apisdn 'sdoo !
! stefan.petersen at home.se      !  /    ---------------------