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gEDA-user: DRC vs shorted nets?

I've finished a layout, ran the DRC and got this:

1: Rules are minspace 7.00, minoverlap 4.0 minwidth 8.00, minsilk 8.00
2: No DRC problems found.

Seems good.

Then, by mistake, I hit "O" to optimize the rats nets.  There being no nets
left, they are all routed, I got this:

3: WARNING!! net "P3V3" is shorted to net "GND"
4: WARNING!! net "GND" is shorted to net "P3V3"

I though I would get "Congratulation's all nets are routed"?

Nothing shows a location of the shorted point, if there really is one.

I've noticed that I get odd shorts after doing Othropull's but usually they 
show up in the DRC.