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Re: gEDA-user: gsch 74-series library parts

> > > > I am a bit puzzled by these parts....the value (e.g. "7404")
> > > > is embedded into them as text.
> Well, I still think that the text elements "7404" are not values.
> If you have a resistor it is pretty easy to see that it is a
> resistor. The text element describe the meaning of the symbol.
> device	value
> --------------------
> resistor	1k
> 7404		74ABT04

OK..fair enough, I see the point.

> Maybe you want to change the "7404" description elements into value
> attribute elements.

Yes. Having both tag (7404) AND value (74LS04) makes the symbol too 
crowded. I want to read the value of the part from the schematic so 
for me, this is the way to go.

> ----74/7404-1.sym----
> < T 300 0 9 8 1 0 0 0 1
> < 7404
> ---
> > T 300 0 9 8 1 1 0 0 1
> > value=7404

Thanks for that.
