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Re: gEDA-user: PCB view solder side


I was so suprised by this reply that I hadn't replied for a couple of days waiting for some other responses. But as they never came here it is now.

I don't think I'm wrong about my statement. At least in my pcb-20060422 compilation the behaviour of the "view solder side" has definitely changed compared to the previous (pcb-20060321 and a few older) versions that I used. In the older versions when I view the solder side then the upper and lower parts of the board swap places, while if I do this in the new version then the left and right. This is very disorienting for me. Additionally all my arranged solder side SMD component designator strings are printed up-side-down.

Could anybody confirm that the "view solder side" has been changed?

Is there any way to configure PCB to use the old method?


> From: Xtian Xultz <xultz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 2006/04/28 Fri AM 12:23:23 EEST
> Em Qui 27 Abr 2006 15:49, Tamas Varga escreveu:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I noticed that sometimes between pcb-20060321 and pcb-20060422 the way how
> > the "view solder side" is displayed has changed. In the earlier versions
> > the board was flipped around the horizontal axis while the new version
> > flippes it around the vertical axis.
> >
> > As I spent a long time using the old system the new behaviour is realy
> > confuses me. Is there any way to configure PCB to use the old method?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > motty
> PCB allways flipped in the vertical axis, unfortunatelly, because flipping in 
> the horizontal axis is much better...