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Re: gEDA-user: PCB view solder side

On Tue, 2 May 2006 11:17:34 +0300
Tamas Varga <motty@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I was so suprised by this reply that I hadn't replied for a couple of days waiting for some other responses. But as they never came here it is now.
> I don't think I'm wrong about my statement. At least in my pcb-20060422 compilation the behaviour of the "view solder side" has definitely changed compared to the previous (pcb-20060321 and a few older) versions that I used. In the older versions when I view the solder side then the upper and lower parts of the board swap places, while if I do this in the new version then the left and right. This is very disorienting for me. Additionally all my arranged solder side SMD component designator strings are printed up-side-down.
> Could anybody confirm that the "view solder side" has been changed?
> Is there any way to configure PCB to use the old method?
> Thanks,
> motty
> > From: Xtian Xultz <xultz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Date: 2006/04/28 Fri AM 12:23:23 EEST
> > 
> > Em Qui 27 Abr 2006 15:49, Tamas Varga escreveu:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I noticed that sometimes between pcb-20060321 and pcb-20060422 the way how
> > > the "view solder side" is displayed has changed. In the earlier versions
> > > the board was flipped around the horizontal axis while the new version
> > > flippes it around the vertical axis.
> > >
> > > As I spent a long time using the old system the new behaviour is realy
> > > confuses me. Is there any way to configure PCB to use the old method?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > motty
> > 
> > PCB allways flipped in the vertical axis, unfortunatelly, because flipping in 
> > the horizontal axis is much better...

The flipping did change and the reason is that, well, my view is that flipping
left to right is more natural - probably because I tend to read and flip pages
left to right :-)

You were saying flipped "around" the vertical axis while Xtian said flipped
"in" the vertical axis so I'm supposing it was just a confusion of wording
where flipping "around" is flipping left to right while flipping "in" is doing
it top to bottom.

There's currently no option for the old behavior, and the upside down printing
on the solder side is a bug.
