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gEDA-user: Reminder: gEDA code sprint tomorrow, Sat May 20th!

==================  <GEDA Code Sprint Reminder>  ===================

The gEDA code sprint is scheduled for Saturday, May 20th, from 9am --
4pm Eastern US time.  That's tomorrow, so get ready!

If you wish to attend in person, bring your laptop and join us at MIT
(Cambridge, MA, USA) in room 56-191.  This room is best acessible from
Ames St (where there is ample parking on weekends).  Here's a map:


If you wish to participate via IRC, here's the info:

        Irc server: irc.seul.org  
        Channel: #geda  or #seul

The vision behind the code sprint is to spend a day working on
whatever pet gEDA coding project you've been wishing to attack.   You
can sit down with the rest of the gEDA developer community, and crank
out that new feature and/or bug fix [1]!  Since we'll all be working
together (either in person or over the net), the power of community
may be brought to bear on any problems we encounter while hacking.   

We look forward to hacking with you!

Please e-mail me privately with any questions.  e-mail:

sdb (*at*) cloud9 (*dot*) net


[1]  Personally, I intend to mop up a couple of outstanding bugs in
gattrib, and perhaps implement the ability to output CSV if I have

=================  </GEDA Code Sprint Reminder>  =================