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Re: gEDA-user: SuSE rpms (was: gEDA/gaf 20070526 released!)

On 5/27/07, Werner Hoch wrote:
> guile 1.8 works IIRC since the last release 20070216.
> Use the guile version that is provided with your distribution.

However, I'm the one pushing geda/gaf rpms for Fedora. Thus the guile
version will depend on my choice.
I have the following branches to release:
* FC-5 having guile 1.6
* FC-6 having guile 1.6 and 1.8
* F-7 having both guile 1.6 and 1.8
* F-8-devel having both guile 1.6 and 1.8

Till now, I was building geda/gaf with guile 1.6. I just don't want to
build against the guile-1.8 and ship a broken geda/gaf.

Those of you, who are building against guile 1.8, would mind to share
views/experiences please?

> I'm running guile 1.8 on openSUSE 10.2

That means that for F7 I can build the latest snapshot with guile1.8.
Any objections, any one ?

PS: Werner Hoch, I don't know whether you are the one pushing geda/gaf
official rpms for openSUSE, I was thinking we could work together and
share spec files to improve the geda/gaf rpms we are releasing for our
respective distributions.


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