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Re: gEDA-user: multi-slot symbol with different graphics

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 12:56 PM, gene <carzrgr8@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Is this possible?  There's a device that has 2 bjt's in it, 1 is npn the
> other is pnp.  It might be nicer on the schematic to have it in 2 slots
> so placement is neater.  But how would the 2 slots use different graphic
> elements?

How comfrotable are you with compiling source from experimental
branches?  I have a branch that would make this easy: place a generic
NPN symbol and a generic PNP symbol, then assign the two to a
component that knows that it needs both.  You only need a
part-specific symbol for the component which you can keep on a
separate sheet (it's graphically uninteresting - it contains only the
function->pinnumber mapping and would have no connections of its own
in this case).

Otherwise just follow Kai-Martin's advice.  You'll have to create
part-specific NPN and PNP symbols though, to get the right pinnumbers.

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