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Re: gEDA-user: spice tutorial

Hi David,

On Montag, 19. Mai 2008, David Griffith wrote:
> I'm following the instructions for using easyspice at
> http://easy-spice.sourceforge.net/examples.html and I can't seem to
> get graphs to present themselves.  I've sucessfully installed ngspice
> and xspice, so I was able to get the OP calculation.  Am I missing
> some external plotting or graphic program?

You do not need an external programm. easy_spice uses ngspice for 

I'm sorry I can not guess what's wrong with the given description.

Have you plotted the results?
What's the output in the terminal?
It should be something like this when plotting:
executing: "{ xterm -geometry 80x5-0-0 -T "plot log" -e ngspice -i 
inv_plot.cir & } && echo $!"


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