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Re: gEDA-user: gschem won't connect nets

Hi Kai,

On Montag, 26. Mai 2008, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> You mean, let magnetic mode connect to pins, even though they are off
> grid? IMHO, this would be an ugly workaround. 

That's how it's currently implemented. But a warning message is printed 
to the log window whenever a connection is offgrid.

> You'd end up with lots 
> of tiny steps and netlets like the small snippets of tracks in pcb.

No. Not really. When drawing a connection from an offgrid pin (x1,y1) 
the the next horizontal line will produce a new point (x2,y1) where x2 
is on grid. If you continue drawing a vertical line the point (x2,y2) 
is completly on grid again. That's a single net drawing action with the 
L-shape net.

> I'd say, an action to move the current items on grid would be the
> proper means to correct a situation where the placement was hosed.

Agreed. Unfortunatly nobody has implemented the solution for your bug 

Another possible solution would be to use the SHIFT modifier key when 
moving a selection or a grip. The move endpoint could be manipulated to 
put the selected component or grip back onto the grid.


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