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Re: gEDA-user: renumber everything except for U*

Hi Kai-Martin,

On Montag, 26. Mai 2008, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> Is there a way to renumber all symbols except for the integrated
> circuits? My IC symbols tend to be slotted, or split. A dumb renumber
> would undo the relation implied by the same refdes.


> To phrase it more generally: What is the syntax the renumber dialog
> uses to match symbols?

A trailing "?" at the end of searchstring matches all digits or the "?" 

"refdes=U?" will renumber all text elements that start with "refdes=U" 
and ends with either a "?" or at least one digit "[0-9][0-9]*"

A trailing "*" at the end of the searchstring will build a list of all 
matching prefixes before renumbering them.

"refdes=D*" will lead to many search strings that starts 
with "refdes=D[^0-9?]*" -->"refdes=D", "refdes=DZ", "refdes=Dxxx"

With each searchsting the renumber action is executed as described with 
the trailing "?".

See gschem/src/x_autonumber.c, function autonumber_text_autonumber() for 
more details.


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