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Re: gEDA-user: [OFF] high current amplifier

> Then put a time delay to off of at least 3 to 5 minutes into the
> condensor fan circuit only,

I don't have that kind of control over it.  I have one low-voltage
control loop to tell it on/off, and that's it.

> By the same token, if the evaporator fan in the furnace is being
> stopped at the same time as the compressor,

It's not, it stays on for a while after that, until the air it's
moving warms up.

> On a long run cycle, long enough to reach steady state conditions,
> gas charge can be somewhat judged by inspecting the big line where
> it comes back out of the furnace.

I have a thermocouple in the plenum right after the A/C exchanger, the
air in there is nearly freezing.  It reads 41F but I think the
software is bottoming out because it drops fast and just flat-lines at
41F (that thermocouple system is designed for the woodstove - 0C to
1023C).  I'm pretty sure it's OK.  It did have a leak at one point,
and we had an A/C specialist come and redo the joints and recharge it,
it hasn't degraded since then.

> 25kVA, still small.  How many houses are they running from it?

Just mine :-)

I have 7200 VAC coming up the driveway (it's 0.3 miles to the road).

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