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Re: gEDA-user: Still compiling 1.5.2
You would not BELIEVE how ungodly ugly that "(display-color-map '((background
"#ffffff")))" in my gschemrc
makes gschem's screen. It's the grid lines that are doing it in, but the text
is unreadable.
and, frankly, the screen is unreadable. I'm using 1.5.2 now.
I did notice that now there's a "view" light color scheme included as a menu
option that looks fine though. Of course, it would be nice if it could save th
e configuration when you change it.
> I, indeed, had to go into system-gschemrc to make changes to the background
> color. [code]
> my new one has this in it with no problems:
> (image-color "disabled") ; for monochromoe PNG output
> (output-color "disabled") ; for monochrome postscript output
> (print-command "kprinter")
> [/code]
> I originally followed this web site:
> [1]http://www.derekhildreth.com/blog/how-to-change-the-background-color-in-ge
> but then found I could just uncomment and comment out the color lines
> regarding bg in the system-gschemrc file. Kurt
I personally think the new way of configuring colours is much clearer and more
intuitive than the old way. But then I wrote it, so I'm biased. :P
You can change the background colours in your personal configuration file as
; To set the display background to white
(display-color-map '((background "#ffffff")))
; To set the print background to BRIGHT RED ;)
(print-color-map '((background "#ff0000")))
Or you can make your own colour configuration file in the same format as e.g.
${prefix}/share/gEDA/gschem-colormap-lightbg, put it somewhere in your home
directory, and load it from your personal gschem configuration file.
Peter Brett
Cambridge University Engineering Department
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